Graft magazine Feature


Playing cover girl for GRAFT zine, a bi-annual publication based in Belfast. //

“Belfast has this really cool edge. Truly full of freaks and geeks (of which I count myself). People with true creativity and originality. I am never short of a muse, a photographer to collaborate with, and music to accompany me, (here’s looking at you @dsntlumen @Avafestival). Nightlife and rave culture are essential to the new core of Belfast. The old pattern of subculture births were always a marriage between music and fashion, and it’s beyond unreal to see this same birth happening over the past few years with the likes of DSNT and AVA providing a home for the freaks and club kids. The community of acceptance and pushing one another creatively is totally harnessed by the big stinkin’ raves and I wouldn’t make clothes the way I do if it weren’t for it. The club kids, the mall goths, the smicks, the hipsters, the vintage kids and everyone in between fits in there, and it’s from this strange melting pot that a lot of my own work comes from and is for!”




Sharing my experience of staying in the less creative north, forgoing Living in London and why.

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